Digging into our family history creates deep connections. Genealogy is about finding our roots. As we research our family tree, we realize how our lives are intertwined with the history of our great nation. My family history includes the Quillin family, the Ewing family, the McNair family, the Jones family, the Bridges family, the King family and the Hulsey family. It is an honor to share their family stories. Search each family name by clicking the labels on the bottom right side.
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Paul Bryan Quillin WWII
Once again Paul was drafted into the Army for WWII. The year was 1944, and he was 47 years
old. He went to training at
Paul Quillin WWI
The records from Camp Travis in the Texas World War I Records list him as Paul B Quillan. His record is found on page 294 and he is listed as a wagoner in the 85th infantry supply company.
Camp Travis & The 90th Division
San Antonio, Texas by John Troesser
When the United States
entered World War I, thirty-two
training camps were set up. Half of them were "tent cities"
and were for National Guard Units while the other half had wooden barracks for
the regular Army.
Camp Travis was situated a few miles from downtown San Antonio adjoining Fort Sam Houston. Originally the name
was Camp Wilson, named after the
man who "kept us out of war." It was the point from which troops were
mobilized in 1916 to quell the Mexican Border Crisis brought upon by the
Mexican Revolution.
With the formation
of the 90th Division in 1917, it was renamed Camp Travis after William B. Travis of
Alamo fame. One of the Regiments within the 90th was the 19th
Originally the troops of the 90th were to be from Texas and Oklahoma
exclusively, but as the men were shipped out, their replacements were from
other states. By the time they got orders for Europe in June, 1918, a good percentage of the troops were
In August and September of 1918, The 18th "Cactus" Division was formed of the left over units
still at the Camp. They were still preparing for the French trenches when the
war ended on November 11th. After the war - troops were mustered out through
the camp and in 1922 - Camp
Travis was absorbed by Fort
Sam Houston.
Sources Report for Paul Bryan Quillin
Compiled by
MacQuillin, Claude. The Quillin (MacQuillin) Family: the
MacQuillins in
U.S. City
Directories, 1821-1989. “Paul Quillin.” (Pampa, Texas, City Directory, 1940). <ancestry.com> accessed 2012.
History Sheet for Paul Bryan Quillin
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