Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Framing My World - 4

 I Follow Rules

I value tradition and laws and have a well-defined set of standards and beliefs.

I avoid confrontations, usually acquiescing to others.

I go along to get along and try to cooperate not stepping on other people’s toes.

I’m practical like my mother, stay within my boundaries and within my means.

I don’t like to make mistakes, do it right the first time.

When someone gives instructions, I do what they say, I try not to deviate. I’m a pleaser.

I don’t commit to something unless I can carry it out. If I commit, I’m dedicated.

I believe that God’s Laws are the ultimate rules.

  John Witt (1645-1715) and Ann Daux (1647-1742) They were Virginia Colonists I connect with John Witt on two lines The Vineyards ...