I was born on 31 Aug 1956, just a day shy of September. Back then, school always started after September 1 and Labor Day. Mother didn't want me to be the oldest kid in the classroom, so she took castor oil...and sure enough I arrived at 8:00 pm on Aug 31. Here, I had just turned 8 and entering 3rd grade.
For several years, I was allowed to have a birthday party and invite 10-15 friends. Paula and one of her friends, and sometimes my cousin Patricia Emmons, would conduct the birthday party, with games, blowing out the candle, and opening gifts. On this birthday, I received a Chatty Cathy doll. That doll, to this day, is in my attic. I especially love the group picture with the little girl (I don't remember her) has peering down at the doll.
back row: Kim McLaughlin, Lisa Jones, Mary Jane Brantley, Marilyn Michie, Karen Naylor, Connie Osborn, Kim Lane, Jane Hendricks