Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Richard Witt (1693-1735)

 Richard Witt (1693-1735)

Virginia Colonist

 m. 1 Elizabeth Liptrot in 1722 in British America, Virginia Colony

 m. 2 Mary Kimbrow in 1748 in British America, Virginia Colony

Richard Witt was born about 1690 in Charles City County, Virginia Colony. He was the son of John Witt and Ann Daux. He passed away in 1764 in Bute County, North Carolina.


No birth record has been found. Richard is usually listed as third son of John and Ann Witt -- born after William (b 1680) and before Edward (b 1700) -- so born about 1690. He would have been about age 32 when he married Elizabeth Liptrot about 1722.


Elizabeth Liptrot was first wife of Richard Witt, supposedly married about 1722. Elizabeth is named as Elizabeth Whit in the will of her father, Edmund Liptrot, dated 15 November 1734.[1]

 Richard reportedly married Mary Kimbro about 1748. They were certainly living together as married in 1753 because they were accused to a grand jury of living in adultery along with several other couples. The story is the Baptist minister who performed the marriages neglected to record them.

15 May 1753, p. 98. A Grand Jury was impaneled as follows: .... and they present .... Richard Witt and Mary Kimbro for living in adultry on information of Hance Hendrick, Edmond Floyd and William Armstrong; [2]


The following children are attributed to Richard Witt, Sr., all of which were Carolina frontiersmen [3]:

Richard Whitt

Hezekiah Witt

John Whitt

Edmund Witt Sr.


No death record or burial site has been found. He is generally said to have died about 1764 in Bute County, North Carolina. He is last found definitely in records in 1749 in Amelia County, Virginia. Reference is made to Richard's move to Bute County in Harbour-Witt Bulletin 6.2:

After living in Henrico, Amelia, and Halifax Counties in Virginia, Richard moved to Bute County, NC (Harbour-Witt Bulletin 6.2; Whitt 330). ... The Harbour-Witt Bulletin lists Mary Kimbrow as the only wife. The Gendex report, however, lists Elizabeth Liptrot as Richard's first wife. ... Whitt (330) indicates that the children, except for Edmund, are Elizabeth's. Edmund is the son of Mary. Children: Richard Witt, Jr., Hezekiah Witt, John Witt, Robert Witt, Edmund Witt.[4]


1730 11 April 1740 Witness to a deed in Henrico County for land about ten miles east of brothers John and William Witt.[5]

1745 Included on partial list of Tithables Deep and Flatt Creeks, Amelia County, Virginia Colony, Capt. Charles Hudson's Company.[6]

1745-1749 Appears in tithables lists of Amelia County, Virginia Colony.

1747 Listed in a road order in Prince Edward County.[7]


·         Fleet, Beverley, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Volume III, (Genealogical Publishing Co., 1988)

 ·         Weisiger, Benjamin B. III. Henrico County, Virginia Deeds 1706-1737, 1985.

 ·         Witt, Robert W. Descendants of John Witt the Virginia Immigrant, Westminster, Maryland: Heritage Books, Inc., 1998, 2006.

 1)      ↑ Fleet, p 408.

2)      ↑ Halifax County, Virginia, Pleas No. 1, May Term 1752-March Term 1755 abstracted by Marion Dodson Chiarito. as cited in Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 1, p 50

3)      ↑ Whitt, David F. 2004. Ancestors and descendants of William Whitt, 1775-1850: portrait of an American family. Westminster, MD: Heritage Books. Page 57.

4)      ↑ Witt, pp 4-5.

5)      ↑ Weisiger, p 111. Deed from Robert Green to Joseph Mayo.

6)      ↑ as posted on, Valentine Nix Family Tree

7)      ↑ John Witt (c1645 – by1715)


John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751)

 TRACING BACK DOWN TO MY HULSEY LINE John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751) And Ann Rogers Witt They were Virginia Colonist   John was bor...