We didn’t eat out much because there were not many restaurants, and I certainly didn’t eat much fast food, at least not until I got my driver’s license. Fast food arrived at the end of the 60s with the A&W Root Beer stand, and the Dairy Queen. There were many good mom & pop hamburger stands where they made old fashioned hamburgers on the griddle. The Canton CafĂ© was a special place to eat on some Saturday nights. It was on the outskirt of town and I especially loved the fried shrimp, egg drop soup and their salad dressing. Many times we would see other families; it was the place to go and dine.
I also remember going to a b-b-q place that had sawdust floors and individual wooden seats attached to the wall. There was another small restaurant that served American food (I can’t remember the name, but it was near the Canton) and it was the place that would serve the football team on Friday nights after the game. Other than those places, our choices to ‘eat out’ were limited. When I was a little older, we would sometimes go the the Country Club to eat.