This is the completion of what Martin Frank Jones wrote about his convictions:
I find it
interesting and amazing to follow the way God used Abraham’s descendants
through Isaac, Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel), Moses, David (king of
the nation of Israel), all the way down to Jesus. Jesus was the son of God.
God’s Spirit came to a virgin named Mary, and she conceived by God’s spirit and
God’s son Jesus was born. Jesus proclaimed God’s plan and made the sacrifice to
pay for the sins of all who come to trust and believe that Jesus is the son of
God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ which to me is found in a nutshell Called John
3:16. We are told in more than one place in the Bible that Christ stood as a
lamb slain before the earth was created. To me that tells us that all people of
all time have been saved because they believed that somehow God would forgive
their sins through their faith that God would provide a sacrifice for their
To explain more fully what I believe
about the future of the church we will look again at what Jesus himself said
about it. When the time drew near for Jesus to be crucified and the soldiers
came to arrest he asked his disciples what the people were saying about Him.
They replied that people thought that he was one of the Old Testament prophets
who had come back. He then asked the disciples who they thought he was. Peter
replied and said that he was the Christ the Son of the living God. Jesus
indicated that God Himself had revealed that to Peter, and the other disciples.
I think that Jesus as the Christ declared that it was upon the fact that He was
the Son of the Living God that he would build his church, and the gates of hell
cannot prevail against the church. This means that it is important for the
world to understand that the devil nor any other force will be able to destroy
the church. I have already established that Christ’s Church is made up of
believers in him as savior. There are some people who believe that the
believers who are Christians are infidels and deserve to be exterminated. We
see evidence of this in many places of the world. But I have news for them. The
church will still be around when Jesus returns, every knee will bow and
confess him as King. I do not understand what the last days will be like, but I
believe that if we are believers in Jesus, we will be on the winning side. We
are told that Jesus will take the church as his bride to reign with Him for
Life after death
Posted on August 10, 2012 by Martin Jones
I believe there is
life after this life. I base my belief upon the fact that I believe in a living
The life that we
will experience after this life will be spiritual, much as God is spiritual. It
will be an eternal (never ending) life in Heaven with believers in God, or in
hell with those who do not believe in God, that the word of God describes as an
unending death that is described as a lake of fire.
There is no way for
me to understand what either of these lives will be like. But I place my faith
in a living God that forgives my sin that deserves an eternal death in hell,
and gives me Grace and Mercy because I believe that God is God and is able to deliver
me from the terrible death that I deserve.
I believe all this
is possible because God the Father sent his Son into this world to pay the
penalty for my sin through my faith in Him.
Martin Jones