Sunday, July 21, 2024

All Tucked In

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1913 Sheet Music Irving Berlin


Like...where did something like that come from...

In our first year of marriage…somewhere I picked up the word, snooky ookums. I saw it written again not long ago which made me want to research. It is REALLY a thing 👍 

Most every night, Derek says “Sweet Dreams” and I reply, “Snooky Ookums.” It always just sounded warm and comfortable. I found these lyrics AND I found it on YouTube so I listened to it over and over. I had no idea!  It’s a sweet song from a movie sung by Judy Garland and Frank Sinatra.

Judy Garland Snooky Ookums lyrics

All night long he calls her snookey ookum, snookey ookums.
All they do is talk like babies.
She's his jelly elly roll.
He's her sugey ugar bowl.
Hear the way they bill and coo, poogywoo,poogywoo, poogywoo?
All night long he calls her snookey ookums, snookey ookums.
All night long the neighbors shout "Cut it out! Cut it out! Cut it out!"
They cry, "For goodness sake don't keep us all awake with your snookey, ookey, ookey , baby talk!"

John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751)

 TRACING BACK DOWN TO MY HULSEY LINE John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751) And Ann Rogers Witt They were Virginia Colonist   John was bor...