1776 American Flag Poster | Zazzle
We live and we learn, but we can only grow if we know our past history. There have been mistakes all through the ages. We have come a long way since the Revolution by making better choices for humanity. We will continue to learn and grow. Yet, there has to be some acceptance of where we have been and where we are going. We are in this together. It has been disconcerting to witness the decay of the principals for what our forefathers fought and died for. For a long time, I have known that what I believe most firmly in has been challenged.
Three most important things to me are: faith, family and my homeland. I have said for a long time that when we take God out of the equation, we have lost a huge part of our foundation. Humanity flounders when there is no belief system. A poll was recently taken to see where people stood with their faith. When asked how important faith is in their lives, the percentage has dropped from 62% in 1998 to 32% in 2023.
The family has also been in decay. The family is where core beliefs are learned and ingrained, based on a faith system of values and principles. These can not be taught in the schools. Schools are to teach children how to read and write and compute so they can become productive adults. The family teaches children how to use those tools and to stand firmly for what is right. These things help children to survive in the world and make correct choices.
And then there is America. In the poll mentioned above, patriotism has fallen even more than the other topics. It was disheartening to listen to the interviews of several young people on the beach a few days after we celebrated the birth of our great nation. In these interviews, basic questions were asked about the reasons behind this holiday. It was shocking to see that only one out of the 7 being interviewed even knew what country we fought to gain our independence, let alone know what that war was called. They didn’t have a clue as to what year the Revolution was fought, nor any knowledge of General Washington and that he was our first president. This is a scary thought to me. (There was one who knew the answers.) Our nation will fall further into decay as we are flooded with a generation that has NO knowledge of our history. They have no knowledge as to why they get to live in a nation where they are free to make choices and to work hard to achieve their goals. We MUST not forget our history.