Sunday, September 1, 2024

First Day of School for Bryan Quillin -1954

 It has been the same throughout the ages. The first-time mother having her first born child leave the nest and go to school for the first time. I had a loving family, and Mother and Daddy cared so very much for me, my brother and my sister. In 1954, Mother sent Brayn to school for the first time, and she found this news article that fit so perfectly for sending him out into the world. I had the BEST mother in the whole world. There was SUCH quality in all that she taught her children. This is indicative of her love and compassion.

Bryan's First Day of School
Paula is leaning on the wall to the left side of picture. 
This must have been a day of pride for Mother and Daddy yet also filled with anticipation of what was to come. I think all young parents experience this as they send their first child to school.

John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751)

 TRACING BACK DOWN TO MY HULSEY LINE John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751) And Ann Rogers Witt They were Virginia Colonist   John was bor...