Saturday, February 15, 2025

Proof of Christopher Vineyard's daughter MARY KELLY

Vineyards, Orange, Augusta, Ro -

The written history found on that website was written by Richard Brown 25 June 2003. He had made a trip and visited many Vineyard places and also made a research trip to the Courthouse. Richard uncovered a deed made by Christopher Vineyard to his daughter Mary who had married George Kelly. 

Vineyard to Kelly


 Deed Book A pg. 187 Rockbridge County Courthouse.. June 23, 2003 Transcribed by Richard Brown Jr. with all spelling as written.

(date of transfer April 22, 1811, date of Record. October 5, 1812)

This indenture made this twenty second day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight Hundred and eleven between George Vinyard and Mary his wife of the county Montgomery and State of Virginia of the one part and Mary Kelly of the county of Rockbridge and state aforesaid of the other Part, Witnesseth that that said George Vinyard and Mary his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand dollars to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath sold and by these presents do bargain and sell unto the said Mary Kelly and her heirs their undivided third part of a tract of Land in the county of Rockbridge whereon Christian Vinyard died seezd (?) containing by patton (?) Two Hundred and seventy acres when taking off ninety acres for John Miller’s part of said tract and bounded as follows (viz) by James River the lands of William Campbell Joseph Gilmore and others to have and to hold to the said Mary Kelly and to Her heirs their undivided third part of said tract of land with all its appertinences forever and George Vinyard and Mary his wife doth covenant for themselves and their heirs that they will warrant and defend their claim of said tract of land from the claims of all persons whatever to the said Mary Kelly and her heirs forever in witness whereof we the said George Vinyard and Mary his wife have hereunto set our hands and sealed the day and year above written signed and sealed in the presents of

Jo. Cloyd, George Vineyard

Christian Waskey Seal

George Waskey Samuel Braford


At Rockbridge Court Dec 2 nd 1811

A Deed of Bargain and sale from George Vineyard + Mary his wife to Mary Kelly was proved in court by the Oath of Christian Waskey + George Waskey and continued for further proof.

A Copy Attest A Reid Clk

And At Rockbridge county court October 5th 1812.

This deed from George Vinyard + Mary his Wife to Mary Kelly was farther proved in court by Joseph Cloyd and ordered to be recorded.


A.      Reid Clk

John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751)

 TRACING BACK DOWN TO MY HULSEY LINE John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751) And Ann Rogers Witt They were Virginia Colonist   John was bor...