Digging into our family history creates deep connections. Genealogy is about finding our roots. As we research our family tree, we realize how our lives are intertwined with the history of our great nation. My family history includes the Quillin family, the Ewing family, the McNair family, the Jones family, the Bridges family, the King family and the Hulsey family. It is an honor to share their family stories. Search each family name by clicking the labels on the bottom right side.
Sunday, September 3, 2023
My Recollections of Mama & Papa McNair
Change Your Lens
Our experiences and the people we have known create who we are. Those experiences are welded into our being. Not much can change that. Sometimes we have to step back and see things through a different lens. We are all different people and bring different things together to form relationships. There is a “give and take” to any relationship. And it’s not all about you.
Nature and the land have much to offer about different perspectives if you only take time to observe it. On our mountain property, we have a grassy knoll. As I approach it, the road narrows and the forest closes in a bit, but I can still see the grassy knoll. My vision is limited, but once I reach the top of the knoll, my perspective broadens with the wide expanse of a grand landscape that is now in view. Do I have to change my lens? Most definitely!
Laid out before me is a vast landscape of open park meadows in the midst of aspen stands and lodgepole pines. The scene is breathtaking, as I can see the road meandering across the open meadows miles away. Off to one side is the majestic mountain top and the view to the other side is of a crested butte that stands high above the canyon below.
Life is like that. In my world, I have a limited view, much like the approach to that grassy knoll. The expanse of the horizon broadens at the top causing me to change my lens to see near and far and beyond. Relationships are like that. In order to have a good relationship with others, you have to broaden your perspective and see things through their lens. This is a hard thing to do. But shifting your vision gives you countless opportunities to see the goodness and fullness of others. It’s not about you when you change your lens.
Early American Settlements
The first permanent English settlement at Jamestown, (1607) as you know, was wrought with many problems but the colony increased and a colonial capital was established in 1693 at Williamsburg where William and Mary was founded as the 2nd college in N. America. During the 17th c. the south was not a land of large plantations, yet it fell victim to British mercantilism, an abusive system which compelled the colonists to sell to the mother country. The southern wealth grew and was composed of a few privileged aristocrats, thousands of slaves and a white middle class of frontiersmen and farmers. They added little to the creative literature of the colonies, but produced some great leaders and statesmen like Jefferson and Madison.
In the northern colonies, where natural conditions favored manufacturing and commerce, a considerable number of people were learned, especially the Puritan clergymen and governors. They produced a considerable body of writing; yet, they were not literary people. They were intent upon subduing a wilderness, making homes, and building a new civil society. The Massachusetts Bay colony under the leadership of John Winthrop, a strong Puritan, became a colony with limited, but then quite unprecedented, powers of self-government. They became the model of democracy.
John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751)
TRACING BACK DOWN TO MY HULSEY LINE John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751) And Ann Rogers Witt They were Virginia Colonist John was bor...
Sources Report: Beverly Johnson Quillin Compiled by Nancy Quillin Long ...
History Sheet Beverly Johnson Quillin Source: B.M Quillin Date: 1990 Recorded by Nancy Quillin Long B.J. often claimed a background o...
Personal Interviews: Barb and Pattti Lawson. They had an EXTENSIVE website of research. I lost touch with Patti when it was discovered that ...