Summertime - Crafts, Camps, Vacations
During the summer, I learned how to do crafts on my own,
including how to sew on Mother’s Singer sewing machine. I’m proud that I
learned the basics. I did sew a few things that I actually wore, and Mother
sewed many things for me, including most of my formal dresses. Mimi was the expert seamstress and I later
requested that she make my Lion Costume as the school mascot. It was in her
later stage of life. Looking back, I know that it stressed her dealing with
that heavy fur material, but she did it. It meant a lot to me for HER to be the
one to design my costume, complete with a tail J
The summer was filled with sleeping late, eating watermelon
for breakfast, and watching cartoons and sitcoms until mid morning. Sometimes I
would go to a Methodist Church camp with my friends and I always looked forward
to Day Camp with the Camp Fire Girls. As summer grew long, though, we grew
anxiously excited to start another school year. August was a time to buy new school clothes,
school supplies, new lunch pail, etc. I was also allowed to have a birthday
party, usually inviting 10-15 friends.
Mother would have a cake, we would play games, and they always brought a
gift. I also attended MANY parties for
my entire circle of friends, as well. It was a thing we did in a small town. We
decorated with balloons, crepe paper and had favors for the guest.
As a family, I remember a stretch of time that we vacationed
in Colorado. Daddy would rent a cabin and it was a fun family time. I grew
fascinated with the chipmunks and built a trap and was actually able to catch
them. I got the bright idea to bring one
home and was surprised when that was allowed.
The poor fellow never made it back to Vernon, as he died on the journey…
no surprise.