My grandparents on my mother’s side were Joe Carroll Jones
and Ava Ella McNair. They had 5 children, including my mother, Carolita Jones
Quillin. Mother was most interested in helping me gather family information.
Her brother, Martin Franklin Jones, was also interested in helping me
throughout the years. There will be several Jones Family posts of the
information gathered from them.
Recollections by Martin Frank Jones 2013
These are memories of Martin Harmon and Mattie Bell's children
William Albert Jones (1898-1956)
Joe Carroll Jones (1902-1972)
George Truett Jone (1908 - )
Lucy Katherine Jones (1918 - 2003)
Martin Frank remembers sitting
with Uncle Ab when he was real sick.
Albert was under an oxygen tent and the kids had to take turns sitting
with him at night. During one of the night
stays, Albert asked Martin for a cigarette.
Martin gave him one and when Albert lit it, the whole cigarette went up
in flames.
Albert would always ask him what
time it was. Martin would tell him…
“It’s 12:15.” And Albert would say,
“Damn Martin, that’s only 15 minutes later from what you said the last time.” Evidently, that would go on all night.
George, Albert, and Hugh were
all supported by Daddy (Joe Carroll).
All 3 drove trucks for Daddy.
Daddy owned the trucks and he then leased them to the State of Tx and
did work for the State. They worked on
the highways, specifically Hwy 70 between Vernon and Lubbock. George and Ab would tear up trucks. Their trucks were always dinged up, overused
and dirty. They generally broke them
down and those trucks always required a lot of repairs because they didn’t take
care of them. These trucks were capable
of carrying a ton and a half (or about 3,000 pounds) of freight in their dump
beds. They would always overload them
with over 4,000 pounds. Hugh always took
care of his truck. His truck was always
clean and well cared for.
George lived all over and ended up in Houston with an Auto Upholstery
Albert had an icehouse in
Crowell. He lived under oxygen at home. When Albert died, Dr. Clark told Martin to go
talk with the undertaker. The undertaker
told him that Ab’s lungs looks like the sole of a shoe. Martin quit smoking after talking with the
undertaker. He had just bought a $1.00
carton of cigarettes and he worked at the Ford dealership there in
Crowell. When he went in to work, he
asked his buddy if he wanted the cigarettes.
They guy said, “Sure”. Martin
handed them over and never smoked again.
It took him about 5 years to stop the urge, especially when someone else
lit up.
George’s Kids:
Georgie Bell (oldest), Lonnie, Michael “Mike”
Hugh’s kids: AC,
Betty Joe, Eddie Hugh, Greta
Albert’s kids:
Jaunita (oldest & adopted), Sammye (still alive Fort Sill),
Sue (died a long time ago), Billy Don (A farmer was putting in pastureland,
getting rid of the mesquites. There were
stumps laying all around and he hired some kids to pick up the stumps. Billy Don was riding in the back of the
truck, fell out, and was killed.)
Lucy’s kids: Donna
oldest lived somewhere near Amarillo?;
Cheryl and her husband took over the Dono’s butane business.

Left to right: Mattie Bell Bridges Jones, William Albert Jones, Lucy Katherine Jones Day, Joe Carroll Jones, Hugh Springfield Jones, George Truett Jones.