Tuesday, June 11, 2024

My America, My Homeland Part 11


 George Herbert Walker Bush 1989-1993

He was Reagan’s Vice-President and was elected when Reagan’s term was completed. America still could not stomach another Democrat after Jimmy Carter. Foreign policy would drive his presidency with military involvement in Panama and the Persian Gulf. Iraq, under Saddam Hussein, had invaded oil rich Kuwait. After negotiations failed to get Iraq out of Kuwait, Congress authorized the use of military force. I remember that day well. Jan 17, 1991, was the beginning of the Persian Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm and possibly our involvement over there for years to come. As I walked in the door after school, the television news was full of the air attacks. It was the first time since Vietnam that I was seeing war on TV. This time it was much different with the missiles being fired in rapid succession lighting up the night sky like huge green flares. This went on for 4 weeks, until ground troops went in and pushed Hussein back to Bagdad, restoring control of Kuwait to their government. Bush’s approval rating skyrocketed. However, he reneged on his campaign promise of “no new taxes” which cost him his re-election.

William Jefferson Clinton 1993-2001

I will begin with the positives about this President because after that I have very little respect for him. Bill Clinton was a master negotiator. He had the ability to reach across the aisle and come to terms, to give and to take. Democracy is built on this example of negotiating under the law of the Constitution. BUT, this President was despicable much like Nixon, lying under oath. Bill had an affair with an intern in the Oval Office. He was a womanizer and he used his power to have his way with Monica Lewinski. She was naïve and believed that he cared about her. When the infamous blue dress turned up with his semen on it, he had to come clean of his indecent behavior INSIDE the White House. He was impeached from office for lying to the American public. This began the moral decay of our society, as young people now felt that oral sex wasn’t sex, and sex out of wedlock became the norm. The Clintons did not go away, however, because his wife Hillary was elected as a senator from New York and later took the stage as Obama’s Secretary of State. Their Clinton Foundation, raising millions in the name of charity, would later be viewed as suspicious. Their books and speaking engagements made them wealthy. She later ran for President against Trump, but America had had enough of the Clintons.



George Walker Bush 2001-2008

He was the governor of Texas and was born into a family of privilege. He was a good governor and had a great sense of humor. He held vastly to what he believed was the “right” thing to do in any situation. His goal was to bring integrity back to the White House, to cut taxes, aid minorities and improve education. But only 8 months into his presidency on a day when he was visiting school children, the 9/11 attack on The World Trade Center changed all that. The War on Terror became front and center, as he dealt mostly with our nation’s security. He condemned Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda and the world changed forever as we began to deal with the evil forces of the East. Illegal immigrants began to pour into America. The Great Recession began. We invaded Afghanistan and Iraq known as the Iraq War and implemented the ‘shock and awe’ campaign. I’m not sure the dust has ever settled, nor can it when dealing with that corner of the world. Bush had some of the highest ratings in the polls…and some of the lowest. I believe that he was a compassionate man trying to do the right thing for the American 

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