Saturday, August 31, 2024

My Birthday Party - 31 Aug 1964

 I was born on 31 Aug 1956, just a day shy of September. Back then, school always started after September 1 and Labor Day. Mother didn't want me to be the oldest kid in the classroom, so she took castor oil...and sure enough I arrived at 8:00 pm on Aug 31. Here, I had just turned 8 and entering 3rd grade. 

For several years, I was allowed to have a birthday party and invite 10-15 friends. Paula and one of her friends, and sometimes my cousin Patricia Emmons, would conduct the birthday party, with games, blowing out the candle, and opening gifts. On this birthday, I received a Chatty Cathy doll. That doll, to this day, is in my attic. I especially love the group picture with the little girl (I don't remember her) has peering down at the doll.

The girl gazing at the doll :) bottom row far left, me with Chatty Cathy, Janie Dickey, Pam Collins
back row: Kim McLaughlin, Lisa Jones, Mary Jane Brantley, Marilyn Michie, Karen Naylor, Connie Osborn, Kim Lane, Jane Hendricks

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Growing Up In Small Town America Part 15


Education had become the focus with one out of every 3 high school graduates going to college.  To be honest, I never thought college was an option.  The next step after high school was to enter college. I was lucky to be blessed with that opportunity and to have parents that financed everything as I was never in debt to begin my adult life. Standardized testing was done once a year or maybe every other year. They would pull the whole school for two days and we were walked across the street to the auditorium where long rows of tables were set up in the very large side room for the testing. The Iowa Test of Basic Skills (a standardized test implemented during that era) was a timed test for each segment. Teachers walked around as monitors, and there was complete silence. I remember enjoying these test days and the seemingly free time out of the classroom. It was never stressful, just something we did every year. In two days we had completed a standardized test that indicated our progress. There was certainly NEVER any prep work before these tests. The only other big test that I remember taking was the SAT and the ACT in order to get a ranking score. Larger universities had a cut-off point and I was able to do well enough on those tests to gain admission.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Transcription of William Lawson's Will 1852


William Lawson, Jr. 1763-1852

Last Will and Testament

Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1900 for William Lawson. Scott County, Virginia; Wills, Vol 1-4, 1816-1860, pp.293-294 [online database: Operations, Inc., 2021]


 I, William Lawson Sr. of Scott County in the State of Virginia, being of sound mind and memory knowing also how uncertain is human life, and wishing to make a disposition of my estate, which in a proper condition to so, do hereby make and declare This as my last will and Testament. First, I direct my executor herein after named to collect in all debts which may be owing to me at my death, and out of the same to pay all my just debts, and my funeral expenses. If my debts should prove insufficient for the above purposes, then I desire that my executor, hereafter named may sell so much of my perishable property as will be of value sufficient to satisfy my just debts, and my funeral expenses – 2nd After the payment of my debts and funeral expenses, I give to my dutiful and my Obedient son Henry Lawson all my lands in the County of Scott and State of Virginia to him and his heirs forever. – 3rd. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Ratliff a fifty dollar promissory note payable at my death, due from my son Henry Lawson. – 4th. I give and bequeath to my daughter Rebecca Quillin a fifty dollar promissory note, executed by my son Henry Lawson payable at my death. – 5th. I give and bequeath to my daughter Levina Fulkerson a fifty dollar promissory note, executed by my son Henry Lawson payable at my death. – 6th I give and bequeath to my daughter Catharine Henry a fifty dollar promissory note, executed by my son Henry Lawson payable at my death. – 7th I give to my son Jeremiah Lawson a fifty dollar promissory note, executed  my son Henry Lawson, payable at my death – 8th I give to my son William Lawson a fifty dollar promissory note, executed by my son Henry Lawson, payable at my death --- 9th, I give to my daughter Rhoda Hilton a fifty dollar promissory note, executed by my son Henry Lawson, payable at my death – 10th I five to my daughter Servina Cox a fifty dollar note, executed by my son Henry Lawson, payable at my death – 11th I give to my sons James Lawson & Hiram Lawson one dollar each payable at my death by my son Henry Lawson one dollar each payable at my death by my son Henry Lawson – 12th I give and bequeath to my daughter Jane Addington one payable by my son Henry at my death – And lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Henry Lawson my executor of this my last will and Testament, hereby revoking all other or former Wills or Testaments by me heretofore made.  In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my seal, this 5th day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight.

Signed, sealed and acknowledged by the Testator in our presence, who have witnessed it in his presence and at his request.  Signed ~ William Lawson

J.S. Shoemaker, S.A.J. Morison, J.O Wood


Virginia: Scott County Court 10th February 1852 __ The last will & testament of William Lawson deceased was proved by this oath of James S. Shoemaker, James O. Wood and Silburn A. J. Morison witnesses thereto, and is ordered to be recorded __ Testee: __J. O. Wood CSC


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

William Lawson's Will (1763-1852)

 Imagine my excitement when I found Rebecca's father's last will and testament. It was just downloaded on in 2021....and it takes a while to find these treasures. It certainly determines Rebecca's father and her brothers and sisters.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

William Lawson Jr Marriage Record

 4 Jan 1788

William Lawson, Jr Married Nancy Baker

This handwritten document was signed by his brother, Travis and his brother-in -law Thomas Mallet. Thomas married William's older sister, Ann.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Sources for William Lawson Jr

Source Report: William Lawson Jr. 1763-1852


1820 United States Federal Census. “William Lawson Junior,” Scott, Virginia; Roll: M33_139; [Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.]

1830 United States Federal Census. “William Lawson,” Scott, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: .[ Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.]

1840 United States Federal Census. “William Lawson,” Scott, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: .[ Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.]

1850 United States Federal Census. “William Lawson,” Western District, Scott, Virginia; Roll: M432_975; Page: 355B; Image: .[Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009]

Annals of Southwest Virginia, 1769-1800. Montgomery County, Virginia--Minute of the County Court. From 1777 to 1800: p 835, Filmstrip # 867.

Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1953. “James Lawson,” son of William and Nancy. Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort.

Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900. “William Lawson,” Pension Year 1834, Virginia; Survivor’s Pension Application File; Archive Publication Number M804, Archive Roll Number 1533.

U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900. “Nancy Baker & William Lawson,” Source number: 904.002; Source type: Pedigree chart; Number of Pages: 3; [Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004]

Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940. “William Lawson & Nancy Baker,” Montgomery County, Virginia; FHL Film Number 32633, Reference ID P 22 [ Operations, Inc., 2014]

U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006. Birth date: 1763 Birth place: Death date: 1852 Death place: TN [Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006] **this information has been proven incorrect




John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751)

 TRACING BACK DOWN TO MY HULSEY LINE John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751) And Ann Rogers Witt They were Virginia Colonist   John was bor...