Digging into our family history creates deep connections. Genealogy is about finding our roots. As we research our family tree, we realize how our lives are intertwined with the history of our great nation. My family history includes the Quillin family, the Ewing family, the McNair family, the Jones family, the Bridges family, the King family and the Hulsey family. It is an honor to share their family stories. Search each family name by clicking the labels on the bottom right side.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
The Melting Pot Part 5
Monday, December 30, 2024
Melting Pot Part 4
"all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ...."
"God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?" He also wrote: "Almighty God hath created the mind free. ... All attempts to influence it by temporal punishments or burthens...are a departure from the plan of the Holy Author of our religion..."
"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
"It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God ...."
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
"In regard to this great book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to men. All the good Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong."
Lincoln also spoke these words at the Gettysburg Address:
"...that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
Sunday, December 29, 2024
The Melting Pot Part 3
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."
Since the pursuit of happiness, as Sigmund Freud surmised, is tied to human love and to creative work and play, the principles of American Judeo-Christian Values can rightly be summarized as the honoring of God-given Life, Liberty and Creativity. This seed of American Social Justice was then fleshed out in the U.S. Constitution through reason and common sense, unencumbered by the dysfunctional religious and secular traditions and laws of Old Europe.
Saturday, December 28, 2024
The Melting Pot Part 2
I stand with my jaw dropped, then, trying to understand why we are desperately trying to change history. This IS a melting pot. We adapt, change, grow…we’ve grown over the years, knowing that we must fight against prejudice, but we can’t change what is history. Each of those changes has caused us to grow together.
Friday, December 27, 2024
The Melting Pot Part 1
We were there in 1998
For me, I felt the world fell apart in 2020, as well as in my personal life in 2022. I began to question myself and my belief system, trying to understand why there was such hostility with the Black Lives Matter movement. I truly tried to fit myself into the shoes of a black person, to understand their point of view, to come to grips with what I may be doing to make them STILL feel such prejudice against the white people. In true form, it has taken me several years to sort that out!
I don't come to conclusions quickly, but over these past few years, all of the above has swirled in my head. With the last election, I realize that I am not alone in standing my ground for what I believe is right and just. In the next few posts, I am sharing why I am the way I am/who I am/my belief system as I have always known it. It is also what I believe is the foundation of our American culture, as well. I can no longer make apologies for that. It goes WAY deeper than me. It's in my ROOTS.
My Prequel to Judea Christian Values
In the past month, I have read and heard several things that have led me to consider why I have struggled. The answers have become clear to me through written history. Look at our natural world. Humans bring degradation to that. The animals act in a pure and natural way. But throughout the ages, man has been brutal to man. Going back to the beginning of time, we have to understand if man is inherently good or inherently evil. My mother once challenged my husband to determine the answer to that question. It took him quite a while to conclude, which was her conclusion as well, though he didn't know it at the time, that man is inherently evil. Children are born with a clean slate and must be taught what is right and wrong; what is good and evil. Our Judeo-Christian beliefs bring order to the chaos and gives purpose and meaning to life. Without that, there is no hope. So, I have delved deeply into that belief system.
Go back in time and read the history written by the people who lived during those ages - 100 A.D to the present which is what my husband has done; go back to the archaeological sites, visit the museums like my husband and I and his mother have done, read the Bible, another history book written by those who lived in that time. It is there for all of us to understand, to give us hope and light and faith. Never underestimate the power of God. And do not rewrite history.
Alongside this struggle with black history, family issues compounded my belief system when in 2022, which I dub as the year from hell for my family, all questions of who I am came into play.
As far as reconciliation for my personal family, I pray for strength to stand for what is truth, all the while trying to keep my faith, be kind and gentle and understanding. But once again, there are values that I hold near that I will not compromise. There are evils in this world, one of which is the abuse of alcohol. There was a reason I left that behind years ago, but it has torn asunder the last little family I have left. They continue to imbibe, and it has wreaked havoc on their small family, and as Mother always said, "Nothing happens in a vacuum", so my world has been greatly affected, as well. I am collateral damage. I may address this more later, but for now, I mention it because it has been another area where I have had to make a stand for my own truths and values at a great cost.Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Growing Up In Small Town America Part 22
As I got older, I remember having several special occasions
each year where everyone wore formals.
Mother often would make my formal, in fact, I don’t remember but a few
that were store bought. For Horizon Club, we held the Candlelight Ball at
Christmas. This was very formal and we were allowed to ask a boy to be our
date. It was held at the Country Club
and we would dance to a live band until midnight.
Our school held a formal banquet for each sport. We wore
formals, ate a catered meal in the cafeteria and then the program was conducted
form the stage up front to honor the players. Tables were then cleared and a
live band was set up and we would dance until midnight. The football banquet
was the largest one, but there was also a basketball banquet and spring sports
banquet. I was fortunate to be invited as a date each time.
The Junior Senior Prom was a huge banquet designed and
created by the Junior class for the Seniors. Sophmores were pulled in to participate
in the servers at the banquet. I remember our theme when I was a junior was
“Three Coins in a Fountain”, complete with a large fountain in the middle of
the cafeteria. This fountain was created from a large aluminum stock tank with
a tiered fountain in the middle. A pump was used to circulate the water. After the banquet, things were cleared for
the dance. This was always a fun
activity for 3 different grade levels during high school
Monday, December 23, 2024
Growing Up In Small Town America Part 21
Most Christmases, we would go to Granny Hart’s (Merphia Ewing Quillin Hart) house on Christmas Eve to celebrate with Daddy’s family and exchange gifts. Granny would serve a meal and all the cousins would perform a Christmas play. I have some hilarious photos of this Family Christmas Pageant.
Cousins in Crowell (1960) Left to right: Me in the center, 4 years old. Second Row: Carolyn Jones, Patti Jackson, Bob Martin Lynch, Bill Lynch, Jr. Bryan Quillin, master of ceremonies. Back Row: Debrorah Jones, Pam Jackson, Paula Quillin,
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Growing Up In Small Town America Part 20
On the day that school would turn out for Christmas, we were
released early to go to the downtown parade where Santa arrived on his very own
trailer. They set up an igloo on the courthouse lawn where Santa would take in
the children to hear their requests. I remember it being very dark in the igloo
and probably would not have wanted to do this, but Santa always gave large
lollipops that were completely different from anything that could be bought. I
loved them, so I endured the igloo. Our church would host a Christmas party in
the basement for age appropriate children where we brought a gift to place in
the gift exchange. I sang in the youth choir and we would rehearse many of the
Christmas hymns leading up to Christmas.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Return to Jones / Seales Family Research
New information is coming to light
My lineage in the Jones family
Carolita Jones Quillin < Joe Carroll Jones < Martin Harmon Jones < Martin Ervin Brooks Jones < Martin Jones b 1816
I have been contacted by two serious genealogists with some new information about the wife of my great great grandfather Martin Ervin Brooks Jones's wife's family Her name was Manerva Jane Seales (1840-1909) Her father was Abraham Seales (1794-1873). His wife was Clarissa (Clarrisy)...last name unknown.
I have posted minimally on the research that I have on Martin Harmon Jones and his wife Matti Bell, with some of my documentation. There is much more.
When my beloved Uncle Martin Frank Jones passed away in late 2022, many of my posts for the Jones family were tributes to him and his blog, so those posts were his recollections. He was in his 80s and suffered from macular degeneration and this blog gave him purpose and added meaning to his life at that time. He loved family history, and he wanted to know more about Martin Jones born1816. I, in no way, want to discredit Martin Frank Jones, but some of his recollections were hearsay from what others had told him. Some of my research discredits those thoughts. He had no access to true documentation.
I will begin giving more detailed information and sources about Martin Harmon Jones and Martin Ervin Brooks Jones which will tie me into the Seales family with Manera Jane Seales.
Stay posted as there is much more to come.
John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751)
TRACING BACK DOWN TO MY HULSEY LINE John Witt II aka Whitt (1675-1751) And Ann Rogers Witt They were Virginia Colonist John was bor...
Sources Report: Beverly Johnson Quillin Compiled by Nancy Quillin Long ...
History Sheet Beverly Johnson Quillin Source: B.M Quillin Date: 1990 Recorded by Nancy Quillin Long B.J. often claimed a background o...
Personal Interviews: Barb and Pattti Lawson. They had an EXTENSIVE website of research. I lost touch with Patti when it was discovered that ...